A L E X A  

W O L F E 

Stage Manager

Alexa Wolfe is a non-union stage manager based in Los Angeles, California. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Technical Theatre from California State University, Long Beach. For the past six years, Alexa has stage and production managed at multiple theatres across Southern California including Latino Theater Company, Little Fish Theatre, California Repertory Company, Theatre Threshold, and the Stagehouse Theatre. 

Henry VI, Part 2

Little Fish Theatre 

Via Instagram @alexawolfestage

Much Ado About Nothing

Shakespeare by the Sea 2022 

Via Instagram @alexawolfestage

L E T ' S  C O N N E C T !

E M A I L:  aliwolfe99@gmail.com 

F O L L O W  M E  O N  I N S T A G R A M: @alexawolfestage 
